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10 Hobbies & Interests to Put on a Resume

A precise and gripping resume gives a solid idea of your abilities and skills to manage a specific job role. But are you a good cultural fit? No matter whoever said you should not include hobbies & interests in your resume, they do matter. Including hobbies not only adds personality to your resume but also […]

Does Your Resume Keep Getting Rejected? Here’s How to Fix It

A resume getting rejected time and again can be a nerve-wracking experience for job seekers. Regardless of the professional experience and the type of job you are applying, the competition is cut-throat today. You send uncountable resumes, but only hear back from few. So, what you might be doing wrong that’s causing the resumes to […]

5 Hiring Strategies for Better Hiring

The recruitment process is a crucial part of running a successful business. However, the talent hunt market is highly competitive today and the hiring process, more challenging. To step up the recruitment process and bring the best talent on board, here are 5 effective strategies for you. 1. Build an Impressive Employer Brand To set […]

Interview as a Conversation, Not Interrogation

The hunt for the best talent pool continues to challenge organizations at all levels. The job market has undergone sea changes in the past decade. It has become equally integral for a candidate to evaluate the job and the company as it is integral for the employer to evaluate the candidate. The competition level to […]

6 Ways to Spice Up Your Resume Summary

Amid today’s highly competitive job market and with the unemployment rate rising globally, making your resume stand out in the crowd can be challenging. You send tons of resumes but never hear back from any of your potential employees. The worst of it is that you know you are perfect for the job role. So, […]

Video Resume: Make it a Great One!

For most job candidates, a video resume might seem daunting. But when you are struggling to find a job and looking for ways to stand out in the crowd, a simple & effective solution to bottle your x-factor and grab the attention of your potential employers is: video resumes.  However, creating a video resume can […]

Writing Accomplishments for Your Resume

If you want to cut a competitive edge and present yourself as a high-potential candidate for a job position, adding accomplishments to your resume is a must. Gone are the days of being modest. The job market is highly competitive today and if you want your resume to get noticed, you should consider incorporating a […]

Tips for Successful Remote Onboarding

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, 50% of organisations reported that 81% or more of employees were working remotely during April 2020. Furthermore, “41% of employees are likely to work remotely at least some of the time” post-pandemic. What do these statistics indicate? Transform your HR functions to cater to the remote workforce! Amid all […]

Strategies to Successful Recruiting and Retaining Staff in 2021

Employee turnover can be significantly expensive for organisations, particularly in today’s scenario when businesses are struggling to keep pace with a declining economy and looming uncertainties. Therefore, HR leaders must take the time to recruit people who will genuinely add value to the company. Definitive steps should also be taken to put employees first, secure […]

Five Ways Video Can Enhance Your Recruitment Process

Are you also trying to enhance your company’s recruiting methods? Hiring the best candidates is exceptionally crucial. A very effective way to improve your recruitment process is to include videos on your company’s recruitment page. It is believed that visual graphics and videos are very engaging and draws more attention from the viewers. If the […]

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