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5 Things Everyone Gets Wrong About Recruitment Placement

Recruitment is an important part of every business enterprise. Without recruiting employees, no organisation can function properly. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the obstacles and hindrances that can occur during the recruitment placement.  Following are the various recruitment mistakes that the HRs should know about: Inaccurate job description: You should always describe the job […]

HR’s Guide to Pre-Boarding: Common To-Dos Before an Employee’s First Day

HR managers have the essential jobs of aligning HR strategy with business strategy, listening and responding to employees and managing transformation and change. According to recent research, organisations with a minimum of 2,500 workers spend almost $664 per employee on their HR functions. On average, smaller companies with less than 250 employees spend more, i.e., $2,375 per […]

Employee Check-Ins: 6 Essential Components for Success

Checking in with the newly recruited employees of a company is of utmost significance. It plays a vital role in ensuring that the new employees mould well into the office ambience. Furthermore, new hire check-ins ensure that the employees are comfortable with their roles and can concentrate on their jobs completely. Thus, check-ins can be […]

Different Types of Services Offered by a Staffing Agency

A staffing agency acts as a middle person that helps businesses recruit employees for filling up certain positions. The agency eliminates most of the time-consuming burdens of hiring and saves time that you can invest and focus on different matters of the company. When you need new staff members, working with a staffing agency like […]

How Can HR Managers Help Prevent Employee Burnout Before It Happens?

Workplace burnout brings stress and monotony to employees and diminishes their urge to learn and grow. You can only prevent it from happening by ensuring a healthy work environment and maintaining productivity. What Causes Workplace Burnout? Time pressure, unmanageable workload, and lack of communication with managers are a few causes for workplace burnout that eventually […]

5 Ways Talent Acquisition is Different from Recruitment Services

In the HR world, people often use the terms “talent acquisition” and “recruitment” interchangeably, but both are entirely different. One is a tactful approach and is used for short-term planning, whereas the other one is a more strategic approach and is used when the company wants to increase its workforce. Let’s understand the difference between […]

How & Why is Employee Onboarding Critical?

Its employees who define an organisation’s work culture. Indulging new employees with their roles and emerging as true assets of the organisation is a tough task. However, if you have been in a position of managing new employees, you will exactly know the effort behind it.  The term “employee onboarding” refers to familiarising a new […]

Facts About HR Staffing Companies and Why It Matters

HR staffing is not a new term. Big firms have been using it worldwide. HR staffing is a temporary transfer of HR duties to an external service provider. If you are newly introduced to this term and want to hire an HR team externally for your company, let us help you with some facts. Businesses […]

3 Amazing Ways Companies Use AI to Recruit Employees

Employees have always been the most valuable assets for any company. A company, therefore, tries its best to hire efficient and skilled employees every single time. The human resource department in the majority of the companies is now upgrading itself and implementing digital transformation. This is being done to digitise the recruitment process and make […]

5 Virtual Job Interview Tips for Hiring Managers

As the COVID-19 pandemic has posed a serious threat to human lives, social distancing and remote working has become the new normal. Keeping the challenges in mind, many organizations are navigating the scope of remote hiring. According to Gartner HR, COVID-19 has forced 86% of businesses to leverage virtual technology for conducting job interviews. Despite […]

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