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It is correctly said that ‘The purpose element of on boarding is where you begin to lay the foundation of success for your new team member.’

Imagine it is the first day of your office; you feel a bit excited and nervous at the time as you are on the verge of opening new ways towards success. You never forget the first impression of the company, the people and the place. However, onboarding has many factors, like job satisfaction, performance levels, and turnovers.

Although onboard hiring is a challenging responsibility, you need to make your employees feel that they are being heard to stick around. The employees must feel that it is their home, not just a boring office.

Suppose any employee comes to you and tells you that they live far away from the office and find it difficult to book a cab due to rush. As an HR, you must take responsibility, arrange a meeting with the senior, and allow her to be a bit late or set office cab services for her. If the employee feels they are being heard, they will never leave!

Now, here are a few outstanding creative Ideas that would make your employee feel at home!

Surprise them with a Welcome Gift!

On the first day of the office, everyone feels nervous and excited at the same time. However, to break this nervousness, you can welcome your employees with a small gift, which would be an ‘aww’ moment for them too.

Have an interactive introduction session

The first question that comes to everyone’s mind is ‘who will I be working with?’ So, try to arrange an interactive session with the teammates just a day before. Digitally arranging meetings could be a better option.

Try to build a culture where growth is the priority.

Make your newly hired employees believe that the company strives not only to achieve financial growth but also to enrich the learning skills of the employees.

Give the new hires to accomplish onboarding tasks.

The first 30 days of a new employee are immensely crucial, so try to conduct a one-to-one meeting with the managers to resolve their problems.

Stay open to feedback and suggestions.

One of the most critical points is to take their feedback. Ask them if they feel safe and like the work culture of the company.

Along with that, you must allow greater accessibility to talented and passionate employees, value their flexibility, and give them the liberty to discuss anything on a personal level.

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